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2018年10月21日 09:40:20
●傻词:think——靓词:assume,argue,emphasize,insist,when it comes to me,for my part,as for me,in my point of view,as far as I am concerned,from my own perspective
●傻词:important——靓词:vital,significant,critical,crucial,play a decisive role,be of utmost importance,indispensable
●傻词:human beings——靓词:mankind,human race,humanity
●傻词:famous people——靓词:celebrity
●傻词:famous——靓词:prestigious,distinguished,enjoy a reputation of
●傻词:many——靓词:innumerable,countless,a great/large number of,an army of,an ocean of,a sea of,a multitude of,a host of
●傻词:many kinds of——靓词:various kinds of,all sorts of,diverse kinds of,a variety of,a wide range of
●傻词:some——靓词:a slice of,quite a few
●傻词:most——靓词:the vast majority of,a large percent of
●傻词:cause——靓词:give rise to,lead to,result in,trigger,contribute to
●傻词:want to——靓词:desire to,be willing to,intend to
●傻词:pay attention to——靓词:devote much attention to,attach importance to,put stress on,give weight to,place emphasis on,
●傻词:due attention has to be paid to——靓词:importance should be attached to,weight should be given to,great attention ought to be devoted to
●傻词:influence——靓词:have a far-reaching impact on,exert an overwhelming(势不可挡的)influence on
●傻词:to(表目的)——靓词:with a view to do,with an aim to do,with a goal to do,for the purpose of doing,for the sake of doing
●傻词:more and more——靓词:increasing(ly),growing
●傻词:be interested in——靓词:sth. appeals to sb.,sth. exerts a tremendous fascination on sb.
●傻词:harm——靓词:do harm to(有害于),do more harm than good(弊大于利),damage,destroy,undermine
●傻词:be harmful to——靓词:pose a threat to
●傻词:bad——靓词:dreadful(糟糕的),unfavorable(不利的),poor,adverse(相反的),ill(有害的),frightful(可怕的),discouraging(令人沮丧的),depressing(注:如果bad作表语,可以用be less impressive替换)
●傻词:because of——靓词:owing to,due to,as a result of,on account of,(be)responsible for,spell(导致,招致)(例(2005英语一Text4):But the cult of the authentic and the personal,“doing our own thing,”has spelt the death of formal speech,writing,poetry and music)
●傻词:remember——靓词:bear in mind that,keep in mind
●傻词:only in this way——靓词:only by doing so,only by this means,It is in this way that...

●傻词:I believe——靓词:I insist,I maintain,I am convinced that...
●傻词:a little——靓词:a bit
●傻词:these——靓词:the following
●傻词:be different from——靓词:be distinct from
●傻词:as a result——靓词:as a consequence
●傻词:too much——靓词:excessive(过量大),rampant(泛滥的),immoderate(moderate适度的)
●傻词:always——靓词:invariably,frequently,consistently,more often than not
●傻词:try to do——靓词:attempt to do
●傻词:try hard to do(努力去做)——靓词:make a pains-taking efforts to do
●傻词:do one's best to do(尽最大努力去做)——靓词:commit oneself to doing,strive to do,do one's utmost to do,spare no effort to do(不遗余力地去做)
●傻词:can——靓词:have the ability to
●傻词:happy——靓词:happily,happiness,make sb.happy——此处是变换词性
●傻词:prepare for——靓词:pave the way for,lay the groundwork(根基)for,lay a solid foundation for
●傻词:possible——靓词:be likely to
●傻词:impossible——靓词:be unlikely to
●傻词:ignore——靓词:turn a blind eye to,lose sight of,overlook,neglect
●傻词:be related to——靓词:be connected with,be associated with,be linked with
●傻词:it is high time(该是做...的时候了)——靓词:it is imperative(紧急的)for us to do,it is about time that we V-过去式...
●傻词:like(喜欢)——靓词:enjoy,prefer,love,be fascinated with
●傻词:decide——靓词:be determine to(下定决心),make up one's mind
●傻词:before——靓词:prior to
●傻词:don't——靓词:fail to



