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学习经验 雅思

2019年09月23日 12:56:10
1. 经济发展的确会带来环境破坏;
2. 但我们不能因此停止经济发展,因为:A. 只有发展经济,人类才能过上好的生活;B.经济发展给环境带来的破坏可以减少,甚至消除。
3. 结论:我们不能放弃经济发展,而是应该找到如何减轻经济发展带来的环境破坏。
As is known to all, the only solution to poverty and hunger is economic growth. However, many people raise objections to economic progress on the ground that it will cause huge damage to the environment.
(1) 本段先引出话题,并对题目中的观点进行重述。
(2) As is known to all 众所周知
(3) Solution 解决方案
(4) Raise objections to... 对......提出反对
(5) On the ground that... 基于......
It is true, of course, that rapid economic growth often comes at the expense of the environment. This has happened again and again in the world, especially in the developing countries. The relentless urbanisation process, for example, has destroyed numerous natural open spaces and animal habitat, and had the dull concrete buildings in their place. Meanwhile, it is not uncommon at all to see the rivers and streams around paper factories (or other manufacturing factories) are so polluted that the water is no longer drinkable.

当然,经济的迅速增长往往是以牺牲环境为代价的。这一次又一次在世界上发生,特别是在发展家。例如,大肆的城市化进程摧毁了众多自然空地和动物栖息地,并在它们的位置上建起了了无生趣的混凝土建筑。同时,绝不罕见的是,造纸厂( 或其他制造工厂)周围的河流和溪流受到严重污染,以至于水不再可饮用。
(1) 本段论述经济发展的确会带来环境破坏。本段主要是用举例法来说明:城市化进程摧毁了空地和动物栖息地,工厂附近的河流和溪流被污染。
(2) Relentless 肆虐的;残酷无情的
(3) Habitat 栖息地
(4) It is not uncommon that... 不罕见
Yet this does not follow that we could do without economic growth. For one thing, only with fast economic development can people have the opportunities to enjoy a better material life, which is the first-tier need of all people at all times. Though this does not suggest that people's insatiable desire should always be met by developing economy, we can rather safely say that economic growth is often the primary concern for all people, especially those living in poverty and hunger. For another, though economic growth will necessarily bring negative effects on the environment, the effects can well be minimized or even eliminated. Covered with green trees and grasses, many big cities have now attracted birds and other animals back again. The rivers and streams around factories have become clean, too, as purifying technologies are put into use.



