Roopkund Lake is a shallow body of water filled with human bones - the skeletons of hundredsof individuals.
It's these that give the lake its other name, Skeleton Lake, and no one knows how the remainscame to be there.
One hypothesis is that some catastrophe, a single event such as a powerful storm, hadbefallen a large group of people. But DNA analysis of 38 of the skeletons has turned that ideaon its head.
The remains appear to come from distinct groups of people from as far as the Mediterranean, and they arrived at the lake several times over a 1,000-year span.
"Through the use of biomolecular analyses, such as ancient DNA, stable isotope dietaryreconstruction, and radiocarbon dating, we discovered that the history of Roopkund Lake ismore complex than we ever anticipated," said geneticist David Reich of Harvard MedicalSchool.

The story began to unfold a decade ago. Geneticist Kumarasamy Thangaraj of India's CSIRCentre for Cellular and Molecular Biology sequenced the mitochondrial DNA of 72 of theskeletons.
As Thangaraj and his late colleague Lalji Singh had expected, some of the skeletons had DNAconsistent with a local Indian origin.
正如Thangaraj和他已故的同事Lalji Singh预料的那样,有些骷髅的DNA与当地印度裔一致。
But some did not. Several skeletons appeared to have originated around West Eurasia.
This analysis revealed three distinct groups. The largest consisted of 23 individuals with DNAsimilar to that of people from present-day India. Apart from this, they seemed geneticallyunrelated.