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学习经验 雅思

2019年09月21日 21:54:45
Some people say that economic growth is the only way to end world poverty and hunger. Others say that economic growth is causing damage to the environment, and should be stopped now. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
the only way:是一个武断的表达,在阐述其合理性和不合理性时,需要对前提有限定——即对哪些国家是重要的,而对哪些国家是不成立的;
to end world poverty and hunger:限定了经济发展的目的,也暗示了经济发展有其重要性,是针对贫困国家而言;
damage to the environment, and should be stopped now:乙方观点中含有两个分论点,是对环境有害,第二是应停止发展;在文中要逐一都有涉及;
Some people assert that countries should focus exclusively on developing economy so as to eliminate poverty, whereas other believe that the development leads to environmental problems and therefore should be suspended. It looks to me that it is only a question of different emphasis: both views have their justifications depending on the need of different countries.
On the one hand, it does make sense that impoverished countries should prioritize the boom in the economy over its implications on the ecosystem. From the perspective of the advocates of this, the very problem that exhaust these nations is not the habitat of flora and fauna but the backward economy, whether these be low productivity in farming, insufficient investment in infrastructures, or the millions of deaths due to hunger and diseases. Considering this, stimulating economic growth is crowned to be of paramount importance in providing the funds to tackle these problems. One convincing example is China, where the roaring economic rise during the past half century has witnessed a dramatic decrease in its poor population and the elimination of famines.

While the argument has its role to play in less developed regions, it is not justified enough to silence those environmentalists protesting in the streets in industrialized countries, who have already experienced the detrimental ramifications coupled with the economic rewards. In America, for example, it is the popularity of private cars that has become the major culprit for the increase of carbon dioxide. Also, the cost to address the pernicious impacts of some industrial projects might overwhelmingly outweigh their contribution to the tax system, considering the long-term soil erosion and contamination of river due to the hazardous pollution – this concern from an economic perspective also begets the claim that the flourishment should not be at the sacrifice of environment.
In conclusion, each statement has its justification from certain perspective, I would say that emerging economies could draw lessons from the industrialized countries in their experiences in dealing with the relationship between development and ecological system, and therefore initiate a more comprehensive strategy that meet their demand.
Justification 合理性
Impoverished 赤贫的
Prioritize 优先
habitat 栖息地
flora and fauna 动植物
paramount 首要的
roaring 急速的
famine 饥荒
detrimental 负面的
ramification 后果
pernicious 严重的
flourishment 繁荣
Describe a famous people in history you would like to meet
Describe a person who often travels by plane
Describe someone you would like to study or work with
Describe a singer or band that you like
Describe a film you would like to share with your friends
Describe a time when you taught an older person something new
Describe a piece of software you use often
Describe a school you went to in your childhood



