1. 原文
In his article “How Intelligent Is Intelligence Testing?” Sternberg notes that traditional tests best assess analytical and verbal skills but fail to measure creativity and practical knowledge, components also critical to problem solving and life success. (第4段第2句)
2. 重点词汇及短语
①intelligent adj. 聪明的; 理解力强的; 有智力的; [计]智能的
intelligence n. 智力; 聪颖; 情报; 情报机构
②note v. 注意; 记录; 对…加注释; 指出 n. 笔记; 便笺; 音符; 钞票
③assess v. 评定;估价;确定(损害赔偿金、税款、罚款等)的金额
④analytical adj.分析的,分析法的; 善于分析的
⑤verbal adj. 词语的; 言语的; 口头的; 动词的
⑥fail to do sth 未能(做)..., 没能(做)...
⑦measure v. 测量; 估量 n. 测量,测度; 措施; 程度; 尺寸
⑧practical adj. 实践的,实际的; 可实现的,实用的; 注重实际的; 可用的
⑨component n. 成分;零件;[数]要素 adj.组成的;合成的; 构成的; 成分的
⑩critical adj. 批评的,爱挑剔的; 关键的; 严重的; 极重要的
3. 句子分析
首先进行成分划分,In his article “How Intelligent Is Intelligence Testing?”/ Sternberg notes that/ traditional tests best assess analytical and verbal skills/ but fail to measure creativity and practical knowledge,/ components also critical to problem solving and life success. 分析句子主干部分为Sternberg notes that... 然后分析剩余成分,In his article “How Intelligent Is Intelligence Testing?”是状语,可直接顺译。traditional tests best assess analytical and verbal skills but fail to measure creativity and practical knowledge, components also critical to problem solving and life success.整个部分是note 的宾语从句。其中,宾语从句的主干是traditional tests assess... but fail to...。analytical and verbal是skill的前置定语,可顺译。

4. 译文
5. 近义词拓展
①intelligent ≈ bright/ perceptive/knowing/understanding/rational
②assess ≈ estimate/ appraise/ assess/ evaluate/ value/ rate
③analytical ≈ investigative/ critical/ interpretative/ explanatory/ evaluating/ inquisitive
④verbal ≈ spoken/ uttered/ voiced/ vocalized/ sounded/ articulated/ pronounced/ oral/ said
⑤measure ≈ assess/ estimate/ rank/ grade
⑥component ≈ section/ constituent/ fraction/ ingredient/ portion/ segment/share/part
⑦critical ≈ pressing/ urgent/ crucial/ decisive关键性的,危急的
≈ faultfinding/ captious/ disapproving/ carping批评的;吹毛求疵的