星期与月份 Days and Months
A: What day is today, Dr. Jansen?
B:Today is Monday. This is January.
A:Is this your book, Dr. Jansen?
B:No, it isn’t. Maybe it’s Dr. Baker’s.
A:Dr. Baker is in the hospital. He’s not very well.
B:Was he in the hospital last week,too?
A:No. He was very well last week.
B:You were in Washington, D.C. for several days, weren’t you?
A:Yes, I was. I was there in December.
B:Where were you in November?
A:I was here in November.
B:Wasn’t your friend Harry here last week?
A:Yes. He was here for three days last week.

1. What day is /was It today/yesterday? 今天∕昨天是星期几?
2. Today is Monday. 今天星期一。
3. What month is this? This is January. 现在是几月?现在是一月。
4. Last month was December, wasn’t it? 上个月是十二月,对吗?
5. What’s the date? 今天几号?
6. I was in the hospital for several weeks. 我在医院待过几周。
7. Where were you on Tuesday? 周二你在哪?
8. It’s first of April. April Fool’s Day! 今天是4月1日,是愚人节!