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雅思写作真题思路解答 雅思考试

学习经验 雅思

2019年09月17日 15:51:18
Researches into new types of medicine and treatments are essential for improving health and dealing with diseases. Who do you think should fund these researches: private companies, individuals or governments.
这道题目的问法在雅思题型中不多见——三个选项中选择一个合适的(2018-10-20日大陆出现过相同题型)。 思路可以参考the best, the most important 此类**词的论证思路——即论证某1个比另外2个选项好。 对你所支持的选项,正面论证其优势; 同时对其余两个选项,论证其不足。 关键词:
improving health and dealing with diseases: 对3个资金来源的利弊分析做了范围限定,都要针对于治病救人这个目的。 private companies: 私人企业,暗示生意人的特性惟利是图,可以是一个反驳的槽点; individuals: 个人,可以从个体的需求不一样,同一个项目难以满足所有人,可以是一个反驳的槽点; governments: 资金来自纳税人,有强制手段,这些的特征,可以作为支持的理由提纲梳理如下:
It has long been a controversy about which should be the best financial source for the research of medical science - businesses, the public or authorities. Although private agencies and individuals do have their roles to play, I tend to say it is the government that should pay more responsibility for the development of new drug and medical treatment.
The primary reason why I believe the money should come from governmental budget is that the state fund is mainly contributed by taxpayers, meaning that it is justified enough for the authority to finance the public health. Another factor we should not afford to ignore is the sustainability of the financial support. Considering the scale and the chronicity of the investment, I doubt there will be other alternatives more reliable than the governmental commitment.
On the other hand, some might take it for granted that it should be the task of pharmaceutical companies, given their advantages in capital, technology, and professionalism. Nevertheless, what is ignored by the advocates of this is that business agencies are driven by profits rather social responsibility. If they were to venture into the research, the cost would be passed on to patients in the end, which inevitably means unaffordable medical services for ordinary people.
As for the other option of imposing the cost on individuals, what concerns me is the practicality, as the policy would not be in everyone’s interest. How can we oblige every male to pay for the research of medicines for breast cancer, a disease exclusively for women.

In conclusion, before we find feasible ways to handle other financial sources, I tend to say the government fund is by far the better option to subsidize the medical researchfor public health.
Sustainability 持续性
Chronicity 长期性
Pharmaceutical 制药的
Exclusive 独有的
Professionalism 专业性
Unaffordable 难以承担的
Practicality 可行性
Subsidize 资助
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