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雅思口语考试模拟练习分享 雅思阅读

学习经验 雅思

2019年09月12日 15:36:29
Describe an outdoor activity you often like to do.
You should say:
what it is
whether it needs tools or facilities
when you did it for the first time
and explain whether your friends also like it.
Part 3:
1. Which do you prefer, indoor activity or outdoor activity?
2. What are the advantages of outdoor activity?
3. What is your favorite outdoor activity?
4. Do you consider shopping an outdoor activity?
Describe an exhibition you have seen.
You should say:
what exhibition it was
what you saw there

whether it was popular to attract many people to attend
and explain whether you like to recommend the exhibition to others
This exhibition is held in the Agora Gallery in Chelsea, New York, a fine art gallery that is quite popular in NewYork City. New York has been the first stop in America for numerous German literates, philosophers and artists. In celebration of their contributions to New York and in the spirit of promoting artistic exchange worldwide, Agora Gallery is pleased to present 'Contemporary German Art: The New York Experience.' The exhibition is an exciting collection of contemporary fine art, offering New York art enthusiasts insight into the art movement in Germany today. For example, I particularly enjoy the paintings by a German painter called Eberhard Marx, whose style is magical realism, hinting at the drastic shifts in style and imagery he often accomplishes within his canvases. Marx cites the influence of German Romantics, though his incorporation of mythical figures and surreal landscapes also evokes Symbolism. I would definitely recommend this exhibition to my friends or anyone interested in contemporary art because it is of good taste. In addition, the gallery also hosts many regionally themed exhibitions ranging from Russia to Japan.

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