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雅思口语短文分享 雅思阅读

学习经验 雅思

2019年09月01日 19:27:05
1.What do you think“patience” is?
Well, I think patience is avirtue. Unfortunately, nowadays most people are quite impatient. For example, many people want to get rich quickly but are willing toget their hands dirty, so they alwayscomplain abouthow harsh life is.
2.Do you think patience is important?
Absolutely. I think it’s a quality that everybody should try to learn. Learning to wait until the timing is right is the key to success, in myopinion. In fact, most successful entrepreneurs are very patient people.

3.Do you think being patient is an important part of being polite?
Yes, I think patience is an indicator of politeness. I mean, a polite personwould neverchew someone outfor keeping them waiting. If there’s a good excuse for being late, a polite person should be willing tooverlooksuch minor mistakes.
4.Have you ever lost your patience?
Well, yeah, without a doubt, there have certainly been times when Ilost my cool. For example, there was this one time when I had to wait forever to be seated at a popular restaurant. Then someone suddenlycut in lineand that reallyticked me off.

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