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雅思A类写作真题范文解析 雅思阅读

学习经验 雅思

2019年09月01日 19:20:28
题型:同意不同意 agree or disagree,题干别强调了to what extent所以在写作时建议双方都有讨论但建议倾向一方,给出clear position即清晰的立场。
论证:两件事情作对比 science vs other subjects,
关键词:government投资类;science vs other subjects 二者对比;so as to表目的,为了;help a country make progress and develop帮助国家进步和发展
思路:教育 投资相结合的题目,除了教育本身外可以拓展思路,联系不同类型人才为社会发展做出的不同贡献。
Education has been and will continue to be central to the country’s economic performance in the 21st century, and the topic of whether it is appropriate toonly allocate the educational budget to the subjects related to scienceis of great concern for many people.It seems to me that despite the importance ofscience, other subjects also requires government‘s urgent attention as well as financial support.
First of all,a country’s advancesdoes not solely depend on science, so it is superficial that countries should consider compensationin education is only in sciencecourses. After all, the meaning of nation power is extensive, and the aim of education in the contemporary society is to tailor the students in an all-round way. Not onlydo thesocial advances need mathematicians and scientists, the government also should notignore theinfluencesfrom artists and writerswho can contribute to residents’spiritual growth and character training.Besides, the courses regarding to art also need government governments’subsidization. For example, the major of history, especially the one related to archeology, requires people to make trips to the jungles or other untouched places. Considering the complex and harsh condition they would face during the exploitation, the advanced equipment and other supporting facilities are in great needs, which requires enormous investment of the government.
Admittedly, investing science education exclusively might facilitate the cultivation of talents in this domain,and the national competition to some extent is the talent competition. Technology is the driving force of development of productive forces, training a large number of scientists and technicians can inject fresh vitality into the country's development and powerful.However, in order to guarantee the sustainable development, talents from other fields who can help to make appropriate developing strategies are also in great need.

To conclude, science education certainly deserves more governmental investments but it does not mean that other subjects are no longer important.
country’s economic performance 国家经济表现
educational budget教育预算
urgent attention急切的关注
superficial 表面上
tailor the students in an all-round way 全面培养人才
residents’spiritual growth and character training居民精神成长和性格培养
productive forces生产力
inject fresh vitality注入新鲜活力

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