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雅思口语Part 1真题高分表达 雅思阅读

学习经验 雅思

2019年09月01日 21:47:31
下面小编跟大家一起了解雅思口语Part 1真题高分表达,希望对大家的学习有所帮助。
我觉得,如果要在工作和生活之间实现一定的平衡,时间管理非常重要。I use my timeproductivelyby working in the right environment.
我会在正确的环境中工作,有效地利用时间。I try tominimizedistractionsby shutting off my phone and social media.
我会关掉手机和社交软件,尽量减少能够让我分心的因素。Iprioritizemy tasks and make a list. I work out the order by thinking about which tasks are urgent and how important each task is.

Iset a time limitto each task.During the period, I focus on the task at hand.
我会对每项任务设定一个时限。在某个时段内,我就专注于手上的任务。Iworks to a daily schedulethat allows me tomake the most ofmy day.
我每天都按照日程安排行事,能够充分地利用时间。To me, reading isa regular task. I do some reading every day. It can beintellectualor light reading.

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