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盘点那些让人糟心的雅思口语P1话题 雅思阅读

学习经验 雅思

2019年09月02日 08:40:10
Do you use perfume?你用香水吗?
I used to wear perfumefrom time to time, just because it could help me avoid the unpleasant body odoreffectively, especially in some formal occasions, such as some important conferences where there are lots of guests. Butlater I found Igot a headache from someone else perfume, then I seldomuseperfume.
What kind of perfume do you like? 你喜欢哪种香水?
You know, there are several kinds of fragrance categories, like fruity, floral, oceanicetc. but my favorite one is Cologne. I think it’s just because the fragrance it permeates is exactly I’m keen on. Well, its smell is soothing and helps me to relax a little bit while I’m concentrating on my work/study.
What does perfumemeanto you? 香水对你来说意味着什么?

Perfume is a good stuff to me. Sometimes, I can simply get attracted to someone because of the way they smell. Perfumes are rich in pheromones and make me attractive. Besides, it would also save me a lot of time when I’min a rushand do not have enough time to clean myself up, well, you know, it prevents some odors from my body.
Do you give perfume as a gift? 你送香水作为礼物吗?
Well, it depends on who I would send to. Perfume is the good product for presenting the gift to others. It is also make easy to carry the brand of the product, but it would be awkward when you don't know which perfume the recipient likes to wear, so I wouldn’t send perfume to my clients or others I am not familiar with.
No, I don’t. I’m not a perfume perfume person, and it would be quite difficult for me to choose a suitable bottle of perfume for others as a gift, I would rather give them a gift card so that they can buy perfect ones themselves.
wear perfume 擦香水odor 气味
Permeate 弥漫;遍布;渗入
be keen on 热衷于;有兴趣的
in a rush 急急忙忙;匆忙



