public speaking可以帮助学生学会应对压力
public speaking可以帮助学生学会更好的说话
University occupies an important part of students’ life since a large portion of students enter the job market after it. Therefore, how to make them better prepared for the challenges in the future is among the heated discussions. Some people suggest that school should offer public speaking class no matter what field students study, since they argue that public speaking skills are required in every field. However, I believe it is not quite necessary to ask all the students to study public speaking.
First of all, learning extra courses that are not related to their career may result in a bad grade. The most important courses that students should learn are the courses that are related to their major and to their job in the future. For example, an English major student should read more English books, memorize more words or write more essays; a Math major student should solve more Math problems; a music major student should devote his/her time to practicing their musical instruments. If those students are required to take public speaking courses, they would lose much of their time which could be employed to finish the study and practice for their own major, which could cause a bad grade of the critical courses in the end.
Additionally, putting time on the courses that have nothing to do with students’ major will be a completely waste of time. Since it is not closely related to their field, students may not want to try their best to learn it well. In class, they may not cooperate with teachers well and are satisfied with being just good enough when doing class activities, which will not render them much knowledge. For example, teachers may ask students to prepare a small speech to show the result of learning and students may start to think about it only one day before the actual day of giving. Surely, the result won’t be excellent and students couldn’t learn much from this experience. Besides, most students won’t need to use this skill in the future when they work. Consequently, they would forget about it completely.

Additionally, learning public speaking will make students have no time to relax. Learning public speaking could take up a lot of time since students need to attend numerous courses and after every single course, students are supposed to practice for hours. For example, they need to learn and practicehow to write scripts, how to arouse the empathy of the audience, how to make use of gestures, etc.All of this time could have been devoted to doing something for fun, such as watching a movie, going to the gym, listening to some music, etc., which can help students to relax. Otherwise, students may get stressed out with tons of difficult assignments and hours and hours of courses every day.
Since learning public speaking can take up students’ time for learning major-related courses and their timefor fun and students won’t learn much from the course, students shouldn’t be required to take the course.
University occupies an important part of students’ life since a large portion of students enter the job market after it.
Therefore, how to make them better prepared for the challenges in the future is among the heated discussions.
If those students are required to take public speaking courses, they would lose much of their time which could be employed to finish the study and practice for their own major, which could cause a bad grade of the critical courses in the end.
Learning public speaking could take up a lot of time since students need to attend numerous courses and after every single course, students are supposed to practice for hours.
Otherwise, students may get stressed out with tons of difficult assignments and hours and hours of courses every day.