Some people think that it is important for all children to learn history in school, while others think that other subjects are more relevant to children’s lives of today. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. History is widely included in both primary curricula of many countries worldwide. Despite the limitations in some knowledge imparted in history class regardingitsrelevance to present lives, I do not thinkthat it is meaningless to children's cognition.
As for the educationalists advocate an educational philosophy that emphasises adaptation to the current social needs, certain information presented in history books might be outdated and hence does not directly prepare the youths well fordiverse life aspects nowor in adulthood.
Owing to the distinct social backgrounds between the present and the past, knowinghow ancestors led their lives and memorizing historic event, such as the changes of dynasties and the breakoutsof wars, neither cultivate children's favourable life habits nor develop their necessarylifeskills.
By contrast, computer literacy is not onlyhighly functional for various modern leisure activities, like online games and music, but also crucial for promoting efficiency for their future study or work, ranging from collecting data and writing reports for research to prompt communication with colleagues and clients.
Similarly, some fundamental laws in chemistry cast light on whether a dietary habits is health, while how some natural phenomena are formed can be understood from a geography class.
All of these are part of youngsters' everyday life.Be that as it may, learning historyis essential for children to better understand the knowledge in other subjects because many present phenomena evolved from past occurrences. The familiarity of some early technologies, such as wheels and flame making, despite their less significant life application, enables students to comprehend the mechanism of some physics laws, while the ancient cultural elements, ranging from beliefs to folklores, not only explain the formation of a particular artistic style but also trigger the youths' creativity and imagination in their artwork, to name buttwo.

Moreover, children's awareness of the historical progress of a country or the world is beneficial to preserving the integrity ofa civilisation. From a macro perspective, by knowing some previous major regional conflicts, the young might form a relatively objective concept about the present international tensions; from a micro perspective, reading articles about historic events prompts children's understanding of how their ethnic group came into being and the origins a some contemporary lifestyles.
As far as I am concerned, history should be a compulsory subject at school and this does not affect the needs formastering life-relevant skills from other subject. Even though some knowledge from history class cannot be directly applied in children's day lives and benefit them accordingly, from a long-term point of view, what can be learned from history class lays an academic foundation for their further education and shapes them a relatively comprehensive cognition about different aspects in the world.
这道题目对于小伙伴们来说,难度处于中等,还是比较容易写的哦~ 历史肯定是要学,但是只学历史肯定是不够,所以还要学其他的实用性学科。 结论就是都要学。 注意: 这个题目有人物限定, children, 小学生。 切不可偏题,以现在的思维去考虑思路。