1, 当词根音节以u结尾的时候 (U -> ú )的动词:
acentuar (to stress/ to accent) actuar (to act) conceptuar (to consider/ to judge) continuar (to continue) extenuar (to exhaust/ to drain) insinuar (to insinuate) perpetuar (to perpetuate)
2,词根音节以i结尾时候 (i -> í) 的动词:
fotografiar (to take a photograph of) agriar (to turn sour) confiar (to confide) criar (to breed) desvariar (to be delirious/ to talk nonsense) enviar (to send) espiar (to spy on) esquiar (to ski) liar (to tie up/ to wrap/ to roll)
3,以c结尾的词根中变位需要加e时 (c -> qu)的动词:
platicar (to chat) mascar (to chew) electrificar (to electrify) clarificar (to clarify) aparcar (to park/ to shelf) suplicar (to plead) justificar (to justify) blocar (to block) complicar (to complicate) cualificar (to qualify) certificar (to confirm) edificar (to build) fabricar (to manufacture/ to build/ to make) explicar (to explain) falsificar (to forge) intensificar (to intensify) marcar (to mark) mascar (to chew) picar (to bite) provocar (to incite) refrescar (to refresh/ to chill) sacar (to take out) tocar (to touch/ to play on an instrument) unificar (to unite)
4,词根————后一个字母为z,变位加e时 (z-> c) 的动词:
aterrorizar (to terrorize) abrazar (to embrace) amordazar (to gag/ muzzle) adelgazar (to lose weight) aterrizar (to land) analizar (to analyze) alcanzar (to reach) civilizar (to civilize) alzar (to lift/ raise/ hoist) cazar (to hunt) cotizar (to quote/ to price) generalizar (to spread/ to generalize) gozar (to enjoy) lanzar (to throw/ to fling) memorizar (to memorize) punzar (to prick/ to stab) rozar (to rub/ to brush/ to graze) utilizar (to use)
5,词根以g结尾,变位加a 或 o 时 (g -> j) 的动词:
escoger (to choose) acoger (to welcome/ take in/ receive) coger (to take) encoger (to shrink) recoger (to pick up)
6,词根以g结尾变位需要加e 时 (g ->gu)的动词:
castigar (to punish) agregar (to add) apagar (to put out/ to put off/ to extinguish) chocar (to crash) fatigar (to tire/ to weary) halagar (to flatter) juzgar (to judge) llegar (to arrive) madrugar (to get up early) tragar (to swallow)
7, e重读时 (e -> ie)的动词:
alentar (to encourage) atender (to attend to) calentar (to heat up/ to warm up) comenzar (to start/ to begin) confesar (to confess) defender (to defend/ to stand up for) descender (to go down) despertar (to wake/ to arouse) empezar (to begin/ to start) encender (to light/ to inflame) encerrar (to shut up/ to shut in) extender (to stretch out) mentar (to mention) pensar (to think) perder (to lose) quebrar (to break) sentar (to sit/ to seat)
8, 音节o重读时 (o -> ue) 的动词:
acordar (hacer algo) (to agree to do something) acostarse (to go to bed) aprobar (to approve) concordar (to agree/ to reconcile) contar (to count/ to tell) costar (to cost) desaprobar (to disapprove of/ to reject) descontar (to deduct) encontrar (to find/ to encounter) engrosar (to swell) mostrar (to show) recordar (to remember) tronar (to thunder) devolver algo (to give something back) disolver (to dissolve/ to break up) doler (to hurt) envolver (to wrap up/ to wind) llover (to rain) morder (to bite/ to eat into)
9, 音节o重读时 (o -> ue) or (o -> u)的动词
dormir (to put to bed) dormirse (to go to bed) morir (to die)
10, 音节o 重读时 (e -> ie) or (e -> i) 的动词:
consentir (to allow/ to permit) digerir (to digest/ to assimilate) divertir (to entertain/ to amuse) hervir (to boil) invertir (to reverse/ to invert) mentir (to lie) preferir (to prefer) referir (to tell/ recount)
11, 无规律 (e -> i)的动词:
henchir (to fill/ to fill up) expedir (to send/ to dispatch/ to issue) impedir (to prevent) pedir (to ask for/ to order)
12,词根为c变位需要加 a或o时 (c ->zc)
agradecer (to thank) amanecer (to dawn) compareceer (to appear) aparecer (to appear/ show up) crecer (to grow) decrecer (to decrease/ to decline) conocer (to know)
13, 变位加 a/e/o时 (u -> ü)的动词:
aguar (to water down) apaciguar (to calm down) atestiguar (to testify to) averiguar (to find out) fraguar (to forge)
14,没规律中 (ui->uy) 的动词:
construir (to build/ manufacture) confluir (to converge/ to meet) contribuir (to contribute) derruir (to demolish/ to knock down) destituir (to dismiss) destruir (to destroy/ to wreck/ to demolish) diluir (to dilute) disminuir (to reduce/ to decrease) distribuir (to distribute) fluir (to flow) incluir (to include) influir (to influence) reconstruir (to rebuild/ to reconstruct) rehuir (to avoid)

15, 基本没规律的动词
andar (to walk) desandar (to go back over/ to retrace the trail) caer (to fall) recaer (to relapse) dar (to give) decir (to say) estar (to be ) deshacer (to undo/ to unpack/ to destroy) hacer (to do/ to make) rehacer (to do again/ to rebuild) satisfacer (to satisfy/ to quench) ir (to go) oír (to hear) poder (to be able to) querer (to want) saber (to know) salir (to go out) prevaler (to prevail) valer (to value)
16,Traer 变位类似的动词有:
contraer (to contract/ to acquire/ catch) distraer (to amuse/ to entertain) extraer (to extract) maltraer (to maltreat) traer (to bring)
17, Tener 变位类似的动词有:
abstenerse (to abstain) contener (to contain/ to restrain/ to hold back) detener (to arrest/ to stop/ to hold up/ to delay) obtener (to get/ to win) sostener (to support)
18, Venir 变位类似的动词有:
convenir (to be suitable) devenir en (to become/ to turn into) intervenir (to take part/ to get involved) prevenir (to prevent) provenir de (to come from)