我们拿一道比较恶心的题目举个 例子:Some people believe that studying literature is important for individual character building while others think it is a waste of time. Discuss both points of view and provide your own opinion.
Step one—认真读题,避免跑题。在任何写作之前,我都会要求学生们对题目进行认真地分析,明确题目中关键的信息词汇。于是,小伙伴们一般会拿各种颜色的笔把关键词圈出来。比如studying literature的studying,比如character building等。
Step two—Google information for ideas.我知道大家对任何问题都有自己的想法,然而遗憾的是,大家的想法经常太low了…于是,学习他人的角度就成为了写作练习的核心和关键。
我们需要做的是,将题目分拆,分主题进行查询。比如此题就可以把题目拆分成两种观点:1,literature in character building; 2, why it is a waste of time to study literature.
Search results for Idea 1
Search results for Idea 2
The key-文章的筛选
雅思写作的一个要求。多读观点除去直接为我们提供观点,有时候还可能inspire new ideas。而解释完整则是为了应对雅思对于逻辑思维的要求了。语言适中很好理解,文章太难看不多词句背不下来也不好。
When we study literature, our horizons are broadened, because we can learn about and come to understand people who are different from us. Conversely, we might discover characters or poems that we really identify with—it can be really exciting and validating to discover that your exact thoughts and feelings have also been experienced by someone else. Because of these effects, literature encourages us to be sensitive to the whole spectrum of human experience and to consider this when making decisions in our day-to-day lives. Academically, studying literature also helps us to refine our own writing skills and expand our vocabularies.
这一段关于“学习文学”重要性的文字就比较适合大部分小伙伴学习。解释的比较充分;文字难度适中,但也可以选择出高大上的短语。当然,此段文字并没有明确的把文学和性格联系起来,这就说明我们需要进行思考,补足思路上的缺失了。给予这段文字,这个思路基本是 identify with fictional contents—identify personality.
Step three—To write but not hastily第三步就是进行写作了。但是,在日常的尤其是距离考试还有20天以上的日子里,我是不建议进行限时写作的。当我们有充足的练习时间时,我希望大家尽很大可能做好积累预料积累工作并发挥很好的写作水平,同时不惧错误的使用刚刚学习或者遇到的词句。毕竟,我们的目标是提高能力及分数。只有充足的时间才能让我们比较快的提高能力。
An example of writing assignment:
Step four—review your writing:Doing review is vital.实际大部分的语言错误思维所谓都可以通过重读文章自己解决。毕竟“读着别扭”这种第六感的事儿大部分都同学都还是有的。