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专升本英语核心短语词汇分享 专升本时间

学习经验 普通专升本

2019年08月02日 11:04:44
1.Apply ( ~ for申请)
He has successfully applied for a position(职位)in the company.
I really appreciate your coming to the party.
enjoy, mind介意,avoid避免,escape逃避,can’t help禁不住,risk冒险,
insist on坚持My hair needs cutting.
3. Approve赞成,批准
4. Argue with sb与…争论
5. Arise ~ from rise arouse raiseNew problems will arise as the old ones have been solved.(出现)
Are there any things arising from last meeting? (源于)His speech aroused little interest among the students.(引起,激起)The company has raised the prices of its products.(提高)
The prices of goods rose day by day during the Spring Festival.(上升)
7. As for至于as to关于,至于as if/though似乎,好象
8. Ask for要求
9.Attach importance to
10.Pay attention to
catch one’s attention引起…注意/
11.Available可得/买到的There is no ticket available.
12. Average平均on( the ) ~
13. Be aware of = realize意识到
be sure一定要,肯定He apologized to us for the mistake as soon as he was aware of it.
Be sure not to be late for the meeting.I’m sure the play will be a great success.
15.Base ~…on…把…建立在…基础
His article is based on the research.
16.Bear忍受,容忍同义词:endure tolerate stand put up withShe cannot bear to see the child in pains.
17. Do/try one’s best
He said he would try his best to carry out the plan.
18. Because 连词:
There will be no meeting because the manager will be on the vacation next week.because of 介词:
His wedding will be put off because of his father’s death.
19.Best make the ~ of很好地利用
20. Had better do好
You’d better finish reading the book in this week, since I’m going to return it to the library.

21.would rather do宁愿
I’d rather go there myself.
22. Beyond 超出…The professor’s lecture is beyond me/beyond my understanding (超出我的理解范围).
The apple on the tree is beyond my reach(够不着)。
23. Both… and…两者都
either…or… 或者… 或者… 供求,资讯,交neither …. Nor…. 两者都不
24.Be bound to do注定…You’re bound to succeed as long as(只要)you keep on trying.
25. Break into闯入
break out爆发
break through突破
break up(关系等)破裂
26. Call off=cancel取消
call on=visit 拜访call for请求,号召The resident called for the people to fight against the invaders.
27. Care for关心,在乎
take care保重
take care of=look after照顾
28.Carry on继续
carry out实施,执行They decided to carry out the plan despite the opposition.
29.Case事实,实情;箱子;案例;病例 case (of)以防,万一
Take my umbrella in case it rainsIn most cases在大多数情况下In no case决不in no way by no means
31. Catch up with赶上,保持一致
keep up with
keep pace with
32.(be) in charge of掌管,负责take charge of掌管,负责charge… for…开价,要价The short man there is in charge of our company.The hotel charges $100 for a double room.
34. Comfortv.& n 安慰;舒适,舒服Although they are twins they have little in common..
36.Compare … to…把… 比作….Poets like comparing their lovers to red roses.Compared with brain, computer still has some shortcomings.



