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商务英语情景关于律师的短文口语分享 英语对话

学习经验 剑桥英语

2019年07月30日 14:34:38
Dialogue 1
M: I can't believe it, Handcup Marketing's lawer just served us with papers, they are suing us for breaching contract on the Anderson's account.
F: Did you get it into our legal counsel Mr Devis? He knows about this, right?
M: Yes, as soon as I got notice, I contacted him right away, he's suposed to be comging into office now.
F: When is the hearing scheduled?
M: In two weeks' time. I hope that Mr Devis has time to make a good defense.
F: Perhaps it wont't even make it to trial, if we're lucky, the judge would dismiss the case in the prenominated hearing, that would save us a fortune in legal fees.
M: If it does go to trial, I'm afaid the prosecution would have a head day marking our company through the press, there could be a lot stake. Where is Mr Devis?
F: I'm sure he's on his way, maybe he's rounding up some witnesses for us now.
Dialogue 2
M: Miss Hubble, as your legal counsel, I want to advise you against making any statements to the press about the trial, it could be very damaging to our case.
F: Mr Lawrence, I appreciate your advice, I know you're good lawer, but I want to prove to the people I'm innocent.

M: Talking to the press won't prove anything, proving your innocent is my job, we can work up good case to withstand the prosecution, other than a few witnesses who gave comforting tesimonies, they don't have any substential evidence against you.
F: Do I have to take the stand tommorrow?
M: Yes, you're scheduled to take this stand, remember, you will be under oath, be careful not to make any misstatements, they could ditch you for perjury.
F: Do you think it's a fair jury?
M: The jury seems fine, we have a fighting chance to win this thing, just remember to give your testimony, just the way we went over it.

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