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雅思大作文词伙整理 雅思备考

学习经验 雅思

2019年07月16日 21:21:40
1.优先推荐购买阅读以上两位老师的两本写作书(绿皮 棕皮),可以集中地熏陶训练;
2.平时China Daily等新闻类公众号也会帮你梳理一些词伙,比如有关于Alipay的报道,你就可以学到Economy话题相关的词汇,比如mobile wallet(移动钱包)、retail market(零售市场)等,你也可以选择其他自己喜欢平台(扇贝、流利说、可可英语等)去做日常阅读。
the contact with parents will decline
the emothional tie will suffer
keep up to the date with family issues/the news about their family
have an adverse effect on
(weaken) the family relationships
respond to emotional needs of other family members
pour more money in the medical system
have an adverse effect on econimic development
more likely to contact heart diseases
traditional dishes/cuisine may vanish
the fast pace of life
irregular working hours
an againg population
healthcare costs will increase
impose a burden on taxpayers
have a conservative attitude towards
launch awareness compaigns
introduce laws
adopt a number of approached
tighten regulations on
(adopt) a healthy lifestyle
reduce life expectancy
Success/ Education/ Job
theoredical knowledge
gain a full understanding of/ have a good understanding of
improve problem-solving ablities/ critical thinking skills
exercise creative potential
broaden people's minds
contribute extraordinarily to soceiety
gain a series of accomplishment
empower them to push forward the boundaries of knowledge
threaten social stability
influence/improve productivity
lay out/dismiss/fire
unpredictable factors
students' personal situation should be considered
students from low income families/ families of higher socioeconimic status
should be restrictied or even banned
put low income familied into pressure
book of educational value
stifle children's creativity
develop good behaviour patterns from a young age
behave in a socially acceptable way
strict discipline
enable people to overcome language barriers
have a good command of English
dominant language/ minority language
lifestyles, values and beliefs
inernational conferences/academic groups
improve academic performance/skills
incease practical experiences
help improve living standards of consumers
steal the market share from local companies
self-contained economy
upgrade skills to meet the requirements of
keep pace with the changes of workplace
increase earnings
sharpen their skills
adapt to an ever-changing world
cope with financial matters
has become a threat to environment
dispose of rubbish
in an environmentally friendly way
environmentally conscious in waste management
seperate rubbish
pay extra fees
in respective rubbish bins
colour-coded recycling bins
educate the public about
cause pollution, contaminate water and damage the environment
plastic bottles/bags
investment in/incease facilities
lack environmental awareness
have a destructive effect on the environment
raise environmental awareness
inpose(vt. 强制执行) sentences
commit serious offences/minor crimes
pose a threat to
laws refer to the rules imposed on human beings
maintain order
restrict freedom
a sense of security
traffic regulations
traffic congestions
follow social rules
fight crime
harsh penalty
sentenced to prison/imprisonment
prospective offenders
habitual offenders (惯犯)
motivated by self-interest
obey laws and social norms
contribute to social progress
live in harmony
build a prosperous society
social phemenon
improve living standards
enjoy a better quality of life
have easy access to public services/public facilities
put huge pressure on housing/facilities
traffic congestions
moral principles and behavioiur norms
have a moral compass
social responsibilities/rules
give priority to essencial services and infrustructures
budget surplus(n. 盈余)
visually attractive
exposure to artworks can...
have a direct impact on...
bring tangible(adj. 切实的, 实在的) benefits to
electricty supply networks
look at the underlying issues/ foucus on the root problems
talor a solution
achieve world peace/ reduce violence
focus on the root problems
become more involved in
aggressive and tough
pipulation explosion/expansion
impose a tax
fuel-effcient vehicles
people always have different views about...(论述类)
XXX is widely accepted as a method to...(观点类)
As the world is increasingly globalised(都可以)
In this rapidly changing world(都可以)
XXX has improved, possibly because of improvements in...
Although...I do not agree that... is a good idea
The top priority is...which can lead to...

On the other hand, we need to admit that...XXX are also essencial to...
To conclude/summarise, XXX is one effective way to...but XXX are equally important.(观点类)
In a word, XXX has accounted for... solutions these problems include...(报告类)
In my view...(论述类)

好了,以上就是雅思大作文词伙整理 雅思备考的介绍,如对本文有疑问或者想了解更多雅思信息,请与我们联系,我的微信18560125702。教育宝是一家教培行业第三方平台,5年以上工作经验的学习顾问能给你最客观公正的建议,帮你辨别课程好坏,为你提供学习帮助。返回教育宝头条


