托福大作文的结尾段? 很多考生由于时间关系往往未能好好地总结托福独立写作的结尾段,或者有些不知如何写结尾段,往往就背背模板,随便选个容易记的套进去。殊不知,一个完美的结尾需符合两项原则:Displays progression and syntactic variety,即文章的进程感和遣词造句的多样性。所以同学们首先应该明白结尾段的写作思路,这样即使在时间不充裕的情况下,也能写出符合考试要求的结尾段。
一般说来,结尾段是用来重申立场的(restatement of thesis),但是,结尾不能再出现新的论点了(do not introduce new supporting ideas),同时也不能妥协而提出反方观点的优势(not the time to make any concessions to the opposing side),而是应该提出一些建议来弥补我方观点的不足之处。
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题目:The Internet has negative effects on our life. What’s your opinon?
我方立场:The Internet is positive to our society.
重申观点:For these reasons, I believe that human beings have benefited a lot from the invention of the Internet.
然后解释Internet在当代生活的现状:As the Internet spreads and becomes more and more common. Its importance to people’s lives cannot be overstated.
提出我方观点需要完善的不足之处:However, the Internet is not a right, and not all people are able to access the Internet.
提出完善我方观点的应对措施:Thus, the gulf between the rich and the poor will continue to expand unless people make a conscious effort to ensure that technology and education are made available for everyone, especially for those in the underdeveloped areas.