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大学英语四级考试真题听力部分答案分享 英语四六级

学习经验 四级六级考试

2019年07月31日 19:08:54
3 B To encouragc latc marriage.
4 D They will not comc into immediateeffect.
5 A Cleaning service in great demand allaver the wurld.
6 B It leaves the house in a mess
7 D Expand their busincss.
Comversation one.
Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
Question 8: What did the man do ycsterday?
Question 9: Why did he failed the exam the first time?
Questlion 10: What does the man say about his driving lessons?
Question 11: What does the man hope to donext?
8 C He took the driver's theory exam.
9 A He was not well prepared.
10 B They are osty.
11 A Pass his road test the first time.
Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
Question 12. What does the man want toknow?
Question 13. What is the man going to do?
Question 14. What might quality the man fora scholarship at Lceds University?
Question 15. What is the woman planning to
do after graduation?
12 C Leeds' tuition for intemadonal students.
13 D Pursue postgraduate studies.
14 B His outstanding musical talent

15 D Teach overseas.
Questions 19 to 21 are bascd on the passage you have just heard.
Question 19. What is the focus of the speaker's; research?
Question 20. What are the vulunteers asked to do in the research?
Question 21. What docs the speaker say will be the impact ot his research?
19. A The function of the human immunesystem.
20. B Ofter blood samplcs.
21. C Helping improve old peoples hcalth conditions.
Questions 22 to 25 are bascd on the passage you have just heard.
Question 22 What did Ted Kamada notice one day after he started teaching at Kellam elementary?
Qucstion 23 What arc dozcns of students from Kamada‘s school going to do this week.?
Question 24 What do we leam about the students of Kellam elementary?
Question25. What have the students leamed from Kamada?
22. D A group of kids were playing chessafter school.
23. C Participate in national chess competition.
24. A Most of them come from low income familics.
25. B Think twice before talking adions.

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