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托福听力单项突破练习 新托福

学习经验 托福

2019年08月12日 16:13:31
1.What does the professor mainly discuss?
A. Some special techniques used by the makers of vintage Cremonese violins.
B. How the acoustical quality of the violin was improved over time.
C. Factors that may be responsible for the beautiful tone of Cremonese violins.
D. Some criteria that professional violinists use when selecting their instruments.
2.What does the professor imply about the best modern violin makers?
A. They are unable to recreate the high quality varnish used by Cremonese violins makers.
B. Their craftsmanship is comparable to that of the Cremonese violins makers.
C. They use wood from the same trees that were used to make the Cremonese violins.
D. Many of them also compose music for the violin.
3.Why does the professor discuss the growth cycle of trees?
A. To clarify how modern violin makers select wood.
B. To highlight a similarity between vintage and modern violins.
C. To explain why tropical wood cannot be used to make violins.
D. To explain what causes variations in density in a piece of wood.
4.What factor accounts for the particular density differential of the wood used in the Cremonese violins?

A. The trees that produced the wood were harvested in spring.
B. The trees that produced the wood grew in an unusually cool climate.
C. The wood was allowed to partially decay before being made into violins.
D. The wood was coated with a local varnish before it was crafted into violins.
5.The professor describes an experiment in which wood was exposed to a fungus before being made into a violin. What point does the professor make about the fungus?
A. It decomposes only certain parts of the wood.
B. It was found only in the forests of northern Italy.
C. It was recently discovered in a vintage Cremonese violin.
D. It decomposes only certain species of trees.
6.Why does the professor say this:
A. To find out how much exposure students have had to live classical music.
B. To use student experiences to support his point about audience members.
C. To indicated that instruments are harder to master than audience members realize.
D. To make a point about the beauty of violin music.
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?Copyright by Tony

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