托福阅读全方位备考攻略:抄写并背诵长难句分析语句中的主干及逻辑,熟悉句型。大家不要觉得抄写就一定要抄特别难的句子。只要是考生自己喜欢的句子就可以抄,比如地质学相关的文章中就有不少长难句,大家看到就可以抄写一下:Glaciers are slowly moving massesof ice that have accumulated on land in areas where more snowfalls during ayear than melts. Snow falls as hexagonal crystals, but once on the ground, snowis soon transformed into a compacted mass of smaller, rounded grains. As theair space around them is lessened by compaction and melting, the grains becomedenser. With further melting, refreezing, and increased weight from newer snowfallabove, the snow reaches a granular recrystallized stage intermediate betweenflakes and ice known as firn. With additional time, pressure, and refrozenmeltwater from above, the small firn granules become larger, interlockedcrystals of blue glacial ice. When the ice is thick enough, usually over 30meters, the weight of the snow and firn will cause the ice crystals toward thebottom to become plastic and to flow outward or downward from the area of snowaccumulation.
这样的句子抄多了积累多了大家就会发现,跟过程相关的信息是有自己的一定特点的,比如总有一大串动词出现 ( transform, lessen, melt, refreeze,reach, interlock, cause ,比如总有很多的顺承连接词等等,小编就不在这里赘述了,大家自己自己去发掘总结。
托福阅读全方位备考攻略:通读全段分析概括大意相信这一步对于大家来讲并非难事,我们只需要知道段落的首句通常是主题句,而在掌握了倒三角式的段落总分结构之后,基本上某个语段要说啥我们是能够提炼出来的 ; 值得注意的事情是,如果段首句之后出现了明显的特指链接词,又或者出现了强转折词,那么段落的主旨很有可能已经后置 ; 这个时候就需要我们对于文本中的句子具备更强的耐心,找到作者真正要传达的东西了。
比如,The contribution of geothermal energyto the world's energy future is difficult to estimate. Geothermal energy is ina sense not renewable, because in most cases the heat would be drawn out of areservoir much more rapidly than it would be replaced by the very slowgeological processes by which heat flows through solid rock into a heatreservoir. However, in many places ( for example, California, Hawaii, thePhilippines, Japan, Mexico, the rift valleys of Africa ) the resource ispotentially so large that its future will depend on the economics ofproduction. At present, we can make efficient use of only naturally occurringhot water or steam deposits. Although the potential is enormous, it is likelythat in the near future geothermal energy can make important localcontributions only where the resource is close to the user and the economicsare favorable, as they are in California, New Zealand, and Iceland. Geothermalenergy probably will not make large-scale contributions to the world energybudget until well into the twenty-first century, if ever.
作者究竟想强调什么信息 ? 是想重点说地热能量很难评估吗 ? 还是想说虽然潜能很大但取决于其经济效益 ? 相信大家都能够分析出是后者。转折词未必出现在第二句的开头,这才是我们在分析段落主旨的时候需要注意的,如果不够敏感,很有可能将其遗漏掉,那么无论是在答修辞目的题还是在答主旨题方面,都会受到影响。