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雅思口语换题季系列分享 雅思阅读

学习经验 雅思

2019年08月23日 21:04:37
雅思口语换题季系列分享,依旧是建议大家不需要去讲太多关于这个广告的内容,因为一般来说都不太好描述,所以可以尝试去想想这个广告的特别之处,你看完有什么感受等等。既可以对应题目中you remember well这个方向,也可以和其他你看过的广告进行对比。此处我用的是曾经看过的一个英国百货公司的圣诞节广告,背景和一战以及sharing相关。
(因为是以前看过的广告,所以大家除了why you remember well的相关内容之外,可以统一使用过去时)
1.What it was like
- a TV commercial… / also kind of like a mini movie … lasted for more than 3 minutes…
2. Where you saw it
- on the internet … (to be more specific) it appeared on the timeline of my social media… a friend of mine reposted that video
- was curious about the content … my friend wrote: “one of the best advertisements I’ve ever seen”
- couldn't help clicking the link of the video…
3. What it was about
- the theme was about “sharing is everything”
- was based on a true story which dated back to WWI… happened in a battlefield between the British and German forces…
- was a cold Christmas Eve… both parties celebrated that night by singing songs… even shared or exchanged all the things they had got before returning to fight…
4. And explain why you remember it well
- was so surprised when it came to the end … didn't even know it was an advertisement from a department store… had never seen anything like that before …
- a creative idea for shooting an advertisement … didn't just present the brand idea of the product or just simply repeating the slogan … (audience) more interest and patience to continue watching… differentiated themselves with other advertisement…
- reminded us of the importance of sharing or even more beyond that… e.g. spending more time with families / remembering to share things with others no matter what you’ve got …
Part 2例题分析二
Describe a quiz program or a game show on TV (New topic)
这两季度的题目里面有很多话题可以和语言学习相结合(例如a practical skill或者skill took you long time to learn等等)。都是属于大家比较擅长的范围,那再进行改编就会比较容易一些。所以这里我把这个quiz show的内容和语言学习进行挂钩。
1. What it was about
- about language study (English, French, Japanese… in different episode…)
- get the answer correct… move on to the next stage … in order to win a prize (e.g. $1 million)
- usually invite non-native speakers…

2. When you watched it
- after I finish my assignment… quite enthusiastic about learning a different language …
- also ask some of my friends to join me… who shared a common interest with me
3. Where you watched it
- anytime as long as I’ve got spare time… use an app on my smartphone…
- need to be connected with WiFi… watch for the HD version
4. And explain how you felt about the program
- useful and practical… questions will be based on a real situation or scenario … how non-native speakers make mistakes … cause comprehension problem or difficult to come across (有没有觉得就像是准备雅思的自己?)
- provide clues to figure out the answer …
- have a lot of fun… much easier to understand compared with conventional classes… (teacher just read the PowerPoint slides … boring and hard to remember…)
- recommend to other friends … also a good choice for entertainment …
Part 3例题分析一
What are the advantages of TV advertisements? How about Internet advertisement?
a. advantages for TV advertisement
- can cover a variety of audiences… esp. for elders who don't use mobile devices frequently … but prefer traditional media… delivery message effectively by applying audio and visual content…
- come with a high rate of investment … particularly for the show or TV program … with an outstanding audience rating
b. advantages for internet advertisement
- price would be much more competitive… pay less to the website than the TV media … higher coverage of audience…(e.g. can be played 24-7)
-could be a combination of different conventional method… (e.g. video / images / banners on the website) … a more various and flexible approach…



