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英语四级新闻听力练习 英语四六级报名

学习经验 四级六级考试

2019年08月28日 12:27:09
A. AI system is used to detect signs of cancer from a large number of CT samples.
B. AI system is used to treat lung cancer.
C. AI system is used to replace computed tomography, or CT to detect lung cancer.
D. AI system is used to identify causes of lung cancer.
A. It is estimated that cancer results in about 1.7 million deaths each year.
B. The examination of CT scans to detect lung cancer has been shown to reduce death rates by 20 to 43 percent.
C. The CD method results in a high rate of false-positive or false-negative cancer diagnoses
D. The AI system's overall success rate was 94.4 percent.
Researchers have developed a new machine system that they say can detect lung cancer as well as or better than doctors. The system is powered by a deep learning algorithm that researchers from Google and Northwestern University created. The World Health Organization reports lung cancer is the most common form of cancer across the world. The WHO estimates that each year, lung cancer results in about 1.7 million deaths. For many years, doctors have attempted to improve screening methods to detect lung cancer. The most common tool currently used is computed tomography, or CT. Doctors who are trained to study CT images of tissue examine the scans to look for evidence of cancer.
The process can involve hundreds of images. The examination of CT scans to detect lung cancer has been shown to reduce death rates by 20 to 43 percent, the study said. But it also noted that the method also results in a high rate of false-positive or false-negative cancer diagnoses. The new deep-learning system uses an algorithm and three-dimensional or 3D technology to examine the CT scans. The method works by learning how to detect signs of cancer from a large number of CT samples. The study reports the system was tested on 6,716 cases with known diagnoses, in partnership with the National Cancer Institute. The system's overall success rate was 94.4 percent. When examining a CT scan for diagnosis, the deep-learning model performed equal to or better than six radiologists, the study found. Radiologists specialize in medical imaging to diagnose disease.
Question 1: According to the news report, what’s the main idea of this news report?
A. AI system is used to detect signs of cancer from a large number of CT samples.
B. AI system is used to treat lung cancer.
C. AI system is used to replace computed tomography, or CT to detect lung cancer.
D. AI system is used to identify causes of lung cancer.
Question 2: According to the news report, which of the following statements is not true?
A. It is estimated that cancer results in about 1.7 million deaths each year.
B. The examination of CT scans to detect lung cancer has been shown to reduce death rates by 20 to 43 percent.
C. The CD method results in a high rate of false-positive or false-negative cancer diagnoses
D. The AI system's overall success rate was 94.4 percent.

1. detect: to discover something, usually using special equipment (通常指用特殊设备)探测,检测,测出
2. algorithm: a set of mathematical instructions or rules that, especially if given to a computer, will help to calculate an answer to a problem (尤指计算机使用的)算法,计算程序
3. tomography: the use of X-rays to make three-dimensional images of flat sections of the body 断层成像,断层扫描
4. tissue: a group of connected cells in an animal or plant that are similar to each other, have the same purpose, and form the stated part of the animal or plant (动物或植物的细胞)组织
5. diagnose: to recognize and name the exact character of a disease or a problem, by examining it 诊断(病症);查出(问题)
6. radiologist: a person who specializes in radiology 放射学家;放射医疗研究人员
Question 1: A
Question 2: A

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