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雅思口语题库练习分享 雅思考试

学习经验 雅思

2019年08月28日 18:22:14
现将part1和part2的top 15话题整理如下:
Part 1: 考频top 15
1 Work or studies
2 Home/Accommodation
3 The area you live in
4 Smile
5 Social network
6 Travel
7 Math
8 Tea/coffee
9 Sky
10 Perfume
11 Market
12 Weather
13 Pet
14 Visit relatives
15 Reading
Part 2: 考频top 15
1 喜欢的歌手
2 广告
3 说外语的人
4 想法有趣的人
5 给别人建议
6 理想房子
7 外国名人
8 邀请聚餐

9 俊男美女
10 喜欢穿的衣服
11 特定场合食品
12 公园
13 早起
14 旅游经历
15 聪明人
Describe a historical building you have been to.
You should say:
Where it is
What it looks like
What it is used for now
What you learned there
And how you felt about this historical building
这张话题卡题目要求描述的是你参观过的一座历史建筑,这个话题和之前出现过的考题Describe an usual building you have visited非常相似,区别在于一个是unusual不同寻常的,一个是historical有历史意义,这两个题目基本可以互换,但描述historical building时,要侧重对建筑的历史性进行一定的展开。
大家在回答part2的时候要开门见山,在开始就要说明你所描述的是什么历史建筑,坐落在哪里,可以用上be located in 或者be situated in…对于话题的选择,很多同学会讲Great Wall, 这个选择难度比较低,适合在没有太多准备临场发挥的时候去说,但假设大家有一定的备考时间,小编建议可以挑选一些没那么多人说,但是也非常切题的对象进行展开,例如布达拉宫the Potala Palace,或者黄鹤楼Huanghe Tower,或雷峰塔Leifeng Pogoda等等。
As for a historical building I have been to, I would like to talk about the Potala Palace. The Potala Palace is the highest palace in the world, situated on a mountain in Tibet Autonomous Region. I am not quite sure when it was built, but it has been standing there for centuries.
It is a magnificent building consisting of two major parts, namely the Red house and the White house, with its sloping walls, and its flat roofs at various levels.
If you go to Tibet for travelling, the Potala Palace is one of the must-visit places. However, as tourists increase, so will damages. Therefore, in order to better protect this historical building, the number of visitors to the palace was restricted to 2300 a day, with opening hours reduced to six hours daily to avoid over-crowding from the year of 2003. And you only have 1 hour to visit this place.
I was lucky enough to get a ticket with the help of a local friend. When I was there, I got totally amazed by this gorgeous building. There were lots of treasures in this place such as the gold and silver wares, some rare scriptures, jade, ivory and so on. What impressed me most should be the stupa, and I saw a huge gold one, around 10 meters tall, beautiful and peaceful. But it was not allowed to take any pictures inside.
Actually, it was not an easy trip for me at the beginning because I was suffering from the altitude sickness when I first arrived there. But I mean, the experience was once in a lifetime. It was totally worth it. That’s why I choose to talk about Potala Palace.



