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托福综合口语答题模板分享 托福阅读

学习经验 托福

2019年09月13日 15:23:41
QUESTION 3: The 组织 proposes/decides to do sth.(reading passage) (However,) The woman ____ this proposal for (the following) two reasons. First, she thinks that ... Second, she believes that ...

QUESTION 4: Definition -- The passage talks about 术语 which refers to ... . Transition -- The lecture uses one example to illustrate the term. 例子五要素总结. QUESTION 5: The man's/woman's problem is that ... Two solutions were provided by the man in the conversation. The first is ... . And the second is ... . As to me, I prefer the first/second solution. Because, What' s more, (Therefore, the *** solution is better. )
Question 6: The professor talks about two ….. The first (way/method/adoption) is …. For example,… The other (way/method)… is …. For example,…

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