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考研英语拔高级词汇和基础级词汇分享 考研初试

学习经验 考研英语

2019年06月16日 08:53:22
avoid的中文翻译及音标 及物动词:
2.避免(n./ v-ing)
词形变化形容词 avoidable 副词 avoidably 名称 avoider 时态 avoided,avoiding,avoids 单词分析 这两个动词都有“躲避危险”之意。 escape多指避开实际的威胁,暗胁或危险正在迫近。 avoid侧重有意识地躲避开要冒险或有危险的事物或情况。 英语解释 refrain from doing something stay clear from; keep away from; keep out of the way of someone or something refrain from certain foods or beverages declare invalid prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening 例句 During transmission, they employ special collision -avoidance and arrival-acknowledgment techniques that are not required in wired Ethernet LANs 在传输过程中,他们采用有线以太网不需要的、特殊的避免碰撞和到达应答技术。
In the same spirit of accessibility and readability, we have avoided using technical jargon and phonetic symbols… 本着便于理解,增加可读性的精神,我们尽量避免使用专业术语和语音符号。 Evasion and avoidance 逃税与避税 Cardinal Richelieu avowed openly in his political principles, that "kings should always avoid using the talents of thoroughly honest men." 黎塞留红衣主教公开承认他的政治原则是“君主应永远避免任用**诚实的人材。” We made a large circuit, avoiding the hamlet. 我绕了一个大圈,避开了那个小村庄。 "Due to the unremitting efforts of the leaders of the two countries,a frightful was disaster was avoided" "由于两国领导人的不懈努力,一次可怕的战争灾难避免了。" Avoid a questioner, for he is also a tattler. 好问是非者,恰是是非之人。 "That it was human to avoid the peril of death and infamy, and the inscrutable machinations of an enemy;"

为了避免死亡和耻辱的危险,以及一个敌人的莫测的诡计,出走原是合乎情理的 Shrink from:withdraw from to avoid encounter, flinch from; recoil from 退避;在…面前畏缩或退缩 "Avoidance of the contract releases both parties from their obligations under it, subject to any damages which may be due." 宣告合同无效解除了双方在合同中的义务,但应负责的任何损害赔偿仍应负责。 相似短语 to avoid doing 避免(做)... avoid contract 废止合同 avoid waste 【经】 防止浪费;避免浪费 avoid theft 【经】 防止 hard to avoid 难免 avoid damage 防止损坏 avoid rules
废止法规 avoid creditors 避债 avoid obsolescence 防止过时 avoid creditor 避债 相似单词 avoid v.[T] 1.避开,躲开
2.避免(n./ v-ing)



