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20考研英语词汇之appropriate 考研备考

学习经验 考研

2019年05月27日 14:53:38
adj. 1. [appropriate (for/to sth)] 适当的;合适的;正当的
1. 拿(某事物)为己所用(尤指未经获准或非法者);擅用;挪用;窃用
2. [appropriate sth for sth ] 拨出(尤指款项)
词形变化形容词 appropriative 副词 appropriately 名称 appropriator,appropriateness,appropriation 时态 appropriated,appropriating,appropriates
meant or adapted for an occasion or use suitable and fitting give or assign a resource to a particular person or cause suitable for a particular person or place or condition etc being of striking appropriateness and pertinence appropriate for achieving a particular end; implies a lack of concern for fairness take possession of by force, as after an invasion
例句 "As the global economy is slowing down, it is necessary to respond appropriately."
Abdullah condemned the raid as "inappropriate." 阿布杜拉谴责这次攻击「不正当」。
"Works"" means the Permanent Works and the Temporary Works or either of them as appropriate.
" 工程是指永久工程和临时工程或视情况为二者之一。 "
If the case is such, the party concerned may request arbitration body or a court to reduce or increase them appropriately."
(of sb's behaviour, etc)appropriateand pleasing/unsuitable and offensive (指某人的举止等)适度而得体失当而粗俗
an inborn sense of the appropriate.What is inbred has either existed from birth or been ingrained through earliest training or associations
The punishment should fit (ie be appropriatefor) the crime 罪与罚应相当 an inborn sense of the appropriate.What is Iinbred has either existed from birth or been ingrained through earliest training or associations 天生的对恰当的感觉。
相似短语 appropriate for 拨出(款项、房屋等)供...之用(be) 适于, 合乎 be appropriate for 适合,适用于 as appropriate 【法】 视情况而定, 酌情 appropriate to 适于, 合乎 appropriate punishment 【法】 适当刑罚 appropriate adjustment 【经】 适当的调整 appropriate department 主管处 appropriate fraction 【经】 指定的部分, 部分拨款 appropriate performance 【法】 适当履行 appropriate chart 专用图

相似单词 appropriate adj.
1. [appropriate (for/to sth)] 适当的;合适的;正当的 v.[T]
1. 拿(某事物)为己所用(尤指未经获准或非法者);擅用;挪用;窃用
2. [ap grade appropriate adj. 适当级别的



