Britain lets Huawei into part of its 5G networks
CYBER UK, a two-day cyber-security conference starting in Glasgow on April 24th, gathered senior spooks and industry leaders from every member of the “Five Eyes”, the electronic-spying pact between America, Britain, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Delegates debated how “to make cyberspace free, open, peaceful and secure”, as Jeremy Hunt, Britain’s foreign secretary, put it. But many had more pressing questions on their minds.
1 a cyber-security conference 网络安全会议
2 senior spooks 高级间谍
3 industry leaders 行业先锋
4 foreign secretary 外交部长
5 pressing questions 紧迫的问题
A day earlier, according to widespread media reports, Britain’s national security council made a decision with major security implications. Unlike Australia and New Zealand, and in the face of dire warnings from America, Britain will allow Huawei, a Chinese telecoms giant, to supply parts of its fifth-generation (5G) mobile network. This will be able to move data at 20 times the speed of existing 4G networks. But Huawei’s kit, the reports say, would be allowed only outside the “core”, the sensitive inner sanctum of 5G networks.
1 widespread media reports 广泛的媒体报道
2national security council 会
3in the face of 面对
4dire warnings 严厉的警告
5telecoms giant 电信巨头
6kit 装备
Britain’s choice is a key moment in a raging debate over how Western democracies should handle Chinese technology at a time when economic, political and military competition between the West and China is growing.
1 key moment 关键时刻
2a raging debate over 对于...白热化的讨论
3Western democracies 西方国家
Huawei’s involvement in Britain’s national 5G networks (it is already barred from sensitive government ones) has been debated with increasing intensity for months. American officials including Mike Pence, the vice president, Mike Pompeo, the secretary of state, and senior military officers have urged Europeans to shun Huawei completely.
1 bar from 禁止
2urge sb. to do 敦促某人干某事
3shun 拒绝/回避
They argue that the use of its equipment would facilitate spying or even sabotage by China. It would thereby put at risk the vast flow of intelligence that flows daily from America to its Western allies. “If a country adopts this and puts it in some of their critical information systems, we won’t be able to share information with them,” warned Mr Pompeo in February, with more than a hint of menace. “In some cases there’s risk we won’t even be able to co-locate American resources, an American embassy and American military outpost”.
1 facilitate 促进
2a hint of 暗示
3co-locate 共处一个地方

Huawei’s defenders say that these accusations are unfair. They point out there is little hard evidence of foul play, despite intense Western scrutiny of the firm, and say that China’s kit is cheaper and available more quickly. Excluding Huawei, they warn, would delay the introduction of a vital technology by up to two years and cost Britain around £7 billion.
1 defender 捍卫者
2accusations 控告
3foul play 违规行为
4intense Western scrutiny 严格的西方
5excluding 排除