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小朋友从小是如何学英文的呢 儿童英语

学习经验 少儿英语

2019年05月11日 09:54:55
Cars are really handy for getting us around.
They whiz alongon busy roads and make a zoomy sound.
Cars can come in many shapes, in sizes large or tiny.
Here’s a little mini car and one that’s big and shiny.
A car must have a driver to make it start and go.
The roads are full of many things a driver needs to know.
Traffic lights, road markings, signs along the way.
You have to read them quickly, and do the things they say.
The steering wheel directs the car and turns it left or right.
The mirrors help to keep the other traffic well in sight.
You use your feet to press the pedals down upon the floor.
One stops the car completely and one makes it speed up more.
To keep your car in good condition, give it proper care.
Check the oil, top it up, and pump the tyres with air.
Fill its tank with fuel, then drive it through the wash.
The wipers clear the windscreen with a swishy, swishy, swash!
Convertibles are really great for driving in the sun.
The top folds down or comes right off. It makes the drive more fun.
If you’re driving off the road, on ground that’s really rough,
a sturdy four-wheel drive is best, with tyres thick and tough.
Some cars are built for racing. They zip along so fast.

It’s noisy and exciting as they all go roaring past.
Police cars have a siren and beacon light that flash,
To show they’re chasing criminals or helping at a crash.
Some cars are really fancy, like gleaming limousines.
They’re used to carry movie stars and presidents and queens.
But anyone who’s out in town, and need to take a ride,
Can hail a passing taxicab and quickly jump inside.
Cars are really popular for getting us about,
so sometimes there’s a traffic jam, and cars just can’t get out.
But when the roads are clear and the weather’s fine and bright,
a journey in the country can fill us with delight.
We ‘ve packed a yummy picnic. It’s a lovely sunny day.
Let’s buckle up our safety belts and then we’re are on our way.

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