雅思写作地图题!事情是这样的,我只要看到学生地图题里使用become, 就头皮发麻。所以,我借一个地图题讲解一些好的替换方式。
雅思12 Test2地图题
The maps below show the centre of a small town called Islip as it is now, and plans for its development.
main road变成了pedestrians only.
1) The main road will become pedestrians only.
2) Only pedestrians will be allowed to use the middle section of the main road.
然而,这个句子存在错误。当road只允许行人使用的时候,它就已经不再是“主干道”了。所以,事实上,2) 句中的main road根本就已经不存在了,它变成了“人行道”——a pedestrian walkway. 于是,句子应该改成:
3) The middle section of the main road will become a pedestrian walkway.
被改成了,比较通俗的表达是be converted into, 得到:
4) The middle section of the main road will be converted into a pedestrian walkway.
当涉及到建筑的时候,converted就可以更具体——“重建”reconstructed, 得到:
5) The middle section of the main road will be reconstructed into a pedestrian walkway.
1) The main road will become pedestrians only.(误)
2) Only pedestrians will be allowed to use the middle section of the main road.(烂)
3) The middle section of the main road will become a pedestrian walkway.(将就)
4) The middle section of the main road will be converted into a pedestrian walkway.(正)
5) The middle section of the main road will be reconstructed into a pedestrian walkway.(正)
main road北侧的shops变成了bus station, shopping centre, car par, new housing.
1) Shops along the northern side of the main road will become a bus station, a shopping centre, a car par and a new section of housing.
我现在介绍另一个词替换become: be replaced by. 得到:
2) Shops along the northern side of the main road will be replaced by a bus station, a shopping centre, a car par and a new section of housing.
以上2) 句能展示图形所给的信息吗?
显然bus station, shopping centre, car par, new housing按照自西向东的顺序排列(需要写出来)。
3) Shops along the northern side of the main road will be replaced by a bus station, a shopping centre, a car par and a new section of housing from west to east.
勉强可以理解3) 句想表达的意思,但是正确的写法是:
4) Shops along the northern side of the main road will be replaced by a bus station, a shopping centre, a car par and a new section of housing from west to east, all four of which are situated in a line from west to east.

1) Shops along the northern side of the main road will become a bus station, a shopping centre, a car par and a new section of housing.(误)
2) Shops along the northern side of the main road will be replaced by a bus station, a shopping centre, a car par and a new section of housing.(信息不全)
3) Shops along the northern side of the main road will be replaced by a bus station, a shopping centre, a car par and a new section of housing from west to east.(将就)
4) Shops along the northern side of the main road will be replaced by a bus station, a shopping centre, a car par and a new section of housing from west to east, all four of which are situated in a line from west to east.(正)
main road变成了dual carriageway.
1) The main road will become a dual carriageway.
我们来细细地考虑一下图形中的变化。事实上,main road变成了人行道,而dual carriageway占用的是其他的地方,完全是新建的。所以,应该写成:
2) A dual carriageway will be built.(不去扯main road, “变成”完全用不上)
1. be converted into
2. be reconstructed into
3. be replaced by