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托福口语建议类话题分享 新托福

学习经验 托福

2019年04月18日 09:06:21
小编为大家带来,如何破解-托福口语建议类话题之迟到建议, 希望对大家有所帮助。
One of your friends is often late for events and appointments. What advice will you give your friend to help avoid this problem in the future?
Identify the problem. Write down why he was late. There’s generally a reason, even if it’s small. Analyzing his tardiness will help him figure out the patterns and thinking behind why he’s always late.
Leave earlier. People tend to underestimate the time they need to get ready to leave. So when you determine your departure time, start by adding 30 minutes to your estimated travel time.

Avoid rush hour. Avoid scheng an appointment that requires you to travel during high-traffic times. If you don’t add in enough cushion time to adjust for the traffic, you’ll be late.
Do all the morning prep the night before. Get all your things done before going to sleep so you would not do them all in the morning – from packing your bag and choosing what to wear to making breakfast and taking out the trash. Thus you won’t be in a hurry when you get up.
采纳这些建议,告别迟到君,迟到类的话题迎刃而解,每天都会是元气满满的一天哦 以上就是为大家整理的。

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