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常说的日常英语口语分享 英语入门

学习经验 实用英语

2019年04月16日 11:35:21
1.【How is it going?】
This is another way to ask“ How are you? ” Soyou meet someone and you tell him “How is it going?”
2.【Long time no see!】
When you haven’t seen somebody for a while,you tell him “Long time no see!” So that means that you haven’t seen thisperson, maybe weeks or months a long time no see.
3.【What have you been up to?】
If you want to ask him “What have you beendoing?” You ask “What have you been up to?” So what was going on in yourlife.What have you been up to?
4.【Can’t complain.】
Raise them before if everything is going.Well you can just answer “Can’t complain.” Everything is really cool, can’tcomplain.
5.【How do you know?】
Somebody tells you something and youhaven’t really mentioned it in the conversation, like they guess somehow thatyou have a new job, and you ask him “How do you know?” Where did you get thenews like “How do you know?”
6.【That’s a good one.】
If somebody tells a cool joke, you can tell“That’s a good one.” That’s a great joke. So the phrase is “That’s a good one.”
如果有人讲了一个很棒的笑话,你可以告诉他“一个很好的笑话。” 意思是这个笑话很棒。所以短句是“一个很棒的笑话。”
7.【It’s very kind of you!】
If you want to thank somebody, you can say“It’s very kind of you!” Thank you so much for doing that.
8.【Thank you anyway!】
If somebody trying to help you, butcouldn’t reach the result you can say “Thank you anyway!” It doesn’t matter butthank you anyway. Thank you for your effort.

9.【Thank you in advance!】
This phrase that I use in my email.Sometimes when I haven’t asked for a person, I asked and then I say inthe end “Thank you in advance!” which means that I really hope that you’regonna do it.
10.【No worries!】
If somebody made a mistake and he’s reallyupset about it. You can just say “No worries!” No worries which means don’tworry about it. It’s fine.

常说的日常英语口语分享 英语入门,如果你喜欢这篇文章,请将其保留版权转载。我的微信号(18560125702)欢迎来咨询,10年教培行业工作经验,如果你在实用英语方面有疑问,请与我联系,我将为您提供全面专业的选课帮助。返回教育宝头条


