考研阅读之减肥篇。减肥食谱五花八门,想轻松吃瘦,到底该选哪一种?不用着急,我们帮你找到近来很火的一款。风靡美国的减肥法叫“Pegan diet”,依靠的是大量的蔬菜,类似素食,但同时可以摄入高蛋白以及高脂肪的食物,在营养均衡的同时也帮你减重,让你越吃越瘦,不妨试试吧!
While Americans are still in varying states of awareness about the keto, paleo and Whole 30 diets, along comes another new eating regimen, labeled "pegan".This hybridof "paleo" and "vegan" was introduced in a 2014 blog post by physician and author Mark Hyman. Here are the pros and cons.
当美国人对生酮饮食、远古饮食以及完整30天饮食法还一知半解的情况下,现在又兴起了另一种新的叫做“Pegan”饮食的饮食法。身为医生和作家的Mark Hyman在2014年的一篇博文中提出了这种“远古饮食”和“素食”的结合的混合饮食法。它既有优点也有缺点。
The pros: Lots of plants and healthy fats.The pegan diet is at its core a plant-based diet, which research shows is good for personal and planetary health.
The cons: Going against the grains and dairy. The diet prohibits wheat and other gluten-containing grains, other than occasional intakeof the ancient wheat einkorn.
The pegan diet restricts many nutrient-rich foods, partly because some people can't toleratethem. While it's true that some people are intolerant to lactose or gluten, or have trouble digesting the fiber in beans, that's not the case for most people.
高频词汇regimenn.[医] 养生法;生活规则
hybrid n.杂种,混血儿;混合物
a. 混合的;杂种的
intake n. 摄取量;通风口;引入口
tolerate v. 忍受;默许;宽恕