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雅思口语考试你必须知道的单词之cooking 雅思学习

学习经验 雅思

2019年05月28日 08:44:58
雅思口语考试你必须知道的单词之-cooking 。雅思考试已经近在眼前了。不知道各位考生们现在是否已经制定好了适合自己的复习备考计划。下面小编整理了雅思口语考试你必须知道的单词之-cooking,希望能帮到即将考试的各位考生们,下面一起来看看吧~
1. nutrition 营养
We should eat fruit and vegetable to take in nutrition.
2. healthy diet 健康饮食
It is greatly important to have a healthy diet.
3. overfeeding 吃的太多
Overfeeding is the primary cause of overweight.
4. flavour 口味
Vanilla is my favorite ice cream flavour.
5. greasy 油腻的
Fried food is too greasy for me.
6. brunch 早午饭
Foreign people are keen on brunch so they always invite friends to have brunch.
7. raw material 生的食物
Well I’m not good at dealing with raw material.
8. steam 蒸
Steam is one of the basic cooking skill for Chinese dishes.
9. roast 烤
I’m really into roast meat and sometimes I even think I’m a carnivore.

10. seasoning 调味品
If you are good at using seasoning, your dishes would be delicate.



