托福写作的论证方法 托雅 德普教育对于备考托福的考生而言,头疼的问题要属托福独立写作的论证呢?那么怎么样才能写出一个饱满而有力的段落呢?小编今天给大家分享的就是四大段落论证方法的教学笔记!
Since the beginning of this year, the levels of air pollution in Beijing have been dangerously high, with thick clouds of smog chasing people indoors, disrupting air travel, and affecting the health of millions. The past two weeks have been especially bad -- at one point the pollution level measured 40 times recommended safety levels. Authorities are taking short-term measures to combat the current crisis, shutting down some factories and limiting government auto usage. However, long-term solutions seem distant, as China's use of coal continues to rise, and the government remains slow to acknowledge and address the problems.
(1).The traffic problems in this city can be solved in the following three ways.
(2).In our school, there are two commonly used tests to evaluate student’s overall ability.
(3).There are different groups of people who are working out in gyms.
(4).With the popularization of the Internet, the way we acquire knowledge becomes more diverse and flexible.
First of all, I believe it is a mistake to base our views on broad stereotypes is often inaccurate. Although there are certainly traits which are typical of men and others which are typical of women, there are exceptions to every rule. Not all women are physically weak, just as not all men are poor interpersonal communicators; conventional gender roles are not appropriate for everybody. If a man or woman desires to pursue a career which is traditionally reserved for the opposite sex, I believe he/she should be provided the opportunities to prove him/she capable.
因果论证(cause and effect)是除列举外常见的论证方 法。如果主题句是以“因”出现的话,那么论证往往可以从“原因”来入手;相反,如果主题句式以“结果”出现的话,那往往可以从“结果”来讨论;也有的主题句并没有很明显的区分。
1.表示原因和结果的逻辑引导词与状语从句:Due to / because of /owing to / thanks to/ Because, as, since, for, so Therefore/as a result/ consequently/ as a consequence/ hence/thus

2.表示原因结果的短语:(A导致B)A cause B/ A leads to B/ A result in B, A gives rise to B/ A contributes B/ A accounts for B/A is accountable for B/ A is responsible to B(B是由A引发的) B is caused by A/ B results from A, B is owed to A, B is attributed/ attributable to A
3.伴随状语表示结果:American people are allowed to possess guns, contributing to a high percentage of campus shootings.
4.非定从表原因:The rainforests are shrinking at an alarming rate, which is mainly caused by human activities.
例1:I prefer living in the city center to living in the suburbs.
1.事物A的特点1、2、3 事物B1、2、3
2.事物A 的特点1 事物B的特点1;事物A的特点2 事物B的特点2;事物A的特点3 事物B的特点3(逻辑更清楚)
I prefer living the city center to living in the suburbs. Living in the city, we can save a lot of time on commuting, but if we live in the suburbs, we have to get up much earlier in order not to be late for work. While some may argue the city center is too noisy to live in, it provides great life convenience. We are within easy reach of different leisure facilities. In contrast, the suburban life makes it hard us to get access to various forms of entertainment, namely less fun. When it turns to safety issue, the city center is definitely a better choice due to better neighbor watch and frequent police presence.
Unlike/ be different from/ differ from/ by contrast/ in contrast/ however/ but/ while/ on the contrary/ whereas/ instead/ on the other hand