Christine: What is thisstickeron yourdriver’s licenseSaul: This sticker Itindicatesthat I’ve signed up for theorgan donationprogram. If anything bad happens to me, I want my organs to go torecipientswho need them.Christine: You mean you want somebody else to have yourheart,liver...Saul: ...eyes,kidneys, or anything else that can betransplantedinto someone else. Don’t you want to donate your organsChristine: Me No way. I’ll neverconsentto doctors cutting up my body after I die. Those organs are a part of me.Saul: But you won’t need them when you’re dead, and there are longwaiting listsateye banksand organregistries. Your organ donation might bethe difference between life and deathfor somebody, you know.Christine: That might be true, but I can’t imagine somebody else walking around with mybrain.Saul: Hmm,come to think of it,me neither.
driver’s license
organ donation 器官捐赠

recipients 接受者
waiting lists等候名单
eye banks眼库
the difference between life and death生与死的区别
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