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学习经验 瑜伽

2018年10月12日 09:00:13
一句话瑜伽,第270期Ivy:当我开始练习瑜伽时,老师说展肩开胯对于释放体内的负能量非常有效。When I started practicing yoga I learned that heart and hip openers are very effective to release and let go of certain emotions that are ,stuck in your body.
老实说,我不相信这是真的。但很奇怪(我仍不知道是为什么)。To be honest, I didn't believe it could be true.But strangely enough (and I still don't know why).
每当我练习一些姿势,像轮式,鸽子式以及舞蹈式,它们会排斥我的身体。whenever I practice poses that are intense on my body like wheel, pigeon and this dancer variation.
我注意到之后我的情绪失控有点失控。I notice that I am a little emotionally off afterwards.
我束手就擒,我哭了,我怀疑自己,有时我真的真的很想放弃。I snap easier, I cry, I doubt myself and sometimes I really, really want to give up.

显然瑜伽并不总是给我带来最好的东西。但是,我之所以对这些姿势的喜爱,因为它们似乎总是道出真相。But nevertheless what I love about these poses is that they always seem to bring out the truth.It apparently doesn't always brings out the best in me.
在这些情况下,我无法隐藏真实的自己。In these situations,there is no hiding from who I really am.
是的,尽管有时事与愿违又很失望,但是它看起来确实是一个好的开始,进一步去审视自己。也许只是开始改变或者练习接受。Yes, the truth may not always be pleasant and I am not always proud of it, but it certainly seems like a good starting point to look into myself further, maybe initiate change or practice acceptance.返回搜狐,查看更多



