托福考试中,小L同学经过口语 写作专项补习后成功破百,总分提升12分。其中口语经三次课辅导后成功从17分提升到22分,写作经三次课辅导成功从19分提升到26分,可喜可贺。口语17分,事实上也是很多同学在托福考试中会拿到的分数,那如何突破自我获得更高的分数呢?我们通过这个成功的案例来分析一下。
The reading passage is about habituation, which means animals react to threaten first time and but when the threaten continues animals stop reacting. Then the professor give for an example to explain it. Um and he talks about prairie dogs. Ah when people come first time the dog will bark and jump up and down to one human and one other dogs nearby is but uh when people comes a day by day after days the dogs would stop reacting stop barking and jump up and downs they were just to see people comes and that is habituation.
The suspension of dielieving is the ability to doubt and believe the play is real. In the lecture the professor talks about an example he talks about a uh when he was in college his roommate played a play as an old man. At first he thought that he is only pretend to be a old man then after time goes he becomes to think he’s like the father who work very hard for a family. And when the father gets sick it caused him to be sad and the families all worried about their father and he get worried too. Finally their family pay for the bill for their fathers and the professors get relieved too.