对于雅思考官来说,他们希望在作文中,看到非常满足语境,满足表达的less common词汇的出现,而非钦定高分词汇。
名词动用The Internet is beginning to rival newspapers as the best place to find information about what is happening in the world.
这一句选自于文化类的一篇考官范文,注意rival 这一词, 大部分同学见到这一单词之后一、反应是它的名词含义,竞争者的意思。
但通过基本语法做分析后大家会发现,rival在这里为动词用法, 翻译过来为与…竞争。而rival的动词用法在这里就是我们所说的less common vocabulary。
People began to harbor doubts over the function of university. (harbor – v. 持有,怀有)
Education should shape students minds and broaden their horizons. (shape-v. 塑造)
Each government needs to tailor a solution to solve the problem of environmental degradation. (tailor- v. 定制)
形容词动用和名词一样, 形容词动用也是把我们常见的一个单词的形容词用法转化为动词。
National and International fixed line calls grew steadily from 38 billion to 61 billion at the end of the period in question, though the growth slowed over the last two years.
这一句选自与一篇考官的小作文范文, slow在这里用作了动词用法, 同时此处的词性转化让slow这个简单词汇的用法变得不简单了。

This rise was particularly noticeable between 1999 and 2002, during which time the use of mobile phones tripled. (triple- v. 三倍增长)
The best way to perfect your English is to live in a country where it’s spoken. (perfect-v. 使完美)
话题词汇很多同学觉得在写文章的时候,使用firstly, secondly 及finally 这类衔接词过于低级,所以一直在极力避免使用。觉得把他们换为moreover, furthermore 及in addition 就会更高端一些。
实际不是, firstly使用起来的效果同moreover无异。两个词都是linking words,使用时都会起到衔接上下文的作用,在难度上并没有差异。
换句话来说, 像是firstly这类衔接词其实不需要我们花大量的时间做文章,相反的一些topic words才是我们关注的重点。
什么是topic words, 比如我们在大作文中常见的教育话题, 其中会涉及到children这个主体。说到children好多同学想到他就会给出youngster, adolescent及youth这类词, 虽然词看起来有难度, 但表达并不精准。
精准的替换,是用the next/youngergeneration 来替代children,而这里面的the next/younger generation就是我们所说的topic words。
下面给大家罗列了一些教育类话题中可以用得到的topic words , 可以有意识的做积累, 后期运用到自己的文章中。
Career prospects,Generatepersonalwealth,Moral education,Behavioral problems,Academic performance
Core subject,Moral principles,Behavioral norms,Have a direct association with…,Enhance / boost intelligence,Foster the culture of cooperation